Saturday, March 14, 2009

Obama's ideology destroys our future... GOP points out the flaws.

At least we have someone in Congress voicing conservative concerns...but, is this just more GOP posturing? We know that Republicans added 40% of the pork to the latest spending, how can the GOP point a finger with one hand and dip into tax payers pockets with the other?

Republicans Criticize Obama's Budget Plan

1 comment:

  1. Accepting a few district goodies do not and cannot outweigh the necessity for the GOP to provide a united front - otherwise the party simply looks hypocritical.

    Good points on how O's policies will put the crush on small businesses. The issue got lots of play during the election but has sadly faded to the background. We talk about the direct affect on the small shops and the economy here:

    Keep up the good work!


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