Wednesday, March 18, 2009

AIG Bonus Outrage is a Distraction @axisofright

The folks at put a focus on how the American people are mislead...the Obama administration would prefer to keep you in the dark and unaware of the socialist/marxist future they have in store for you...mishandled bailouts, national servitudeand hidden medical plans for veterans are but a few in the last two days!!! 

AIG Bonus Outrage is a Distraction

by SAL on MARCH 18, 2009


The circus that  is the AIG Bonus Outrage is a typical Washington case of wag-the-dog.  The bonuses were retention bonuses to keep employees who were laid off as part of the AIG restructuring, but needed for a specified amount of time for a transition.  AIG was legally-required to pay these bonuses, and it was even written into the stimulus law by Sen. Chris Dodd.  The amount and date of these bonuses have been known for months, yet now the administration expresses “outrage” that $165 million is being used to cover bonuses.

Yet this is simply a distraction and misdirection.  The real outrage should not be about these bonuses, but about the bailout as a whole.  The bonuses are a drop in the bucket of the entire bailout that AIG has received.  CNBC’s Rick Santelli puts the matter in perspective more...

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