Thursday, March 26, 2009

Nevada Tax Bill Alert: SB394... NO NEW TAXES!!! Act now.

Nevada...speak out against new taxes!!! Follow this link and submit your opinion about Senate Bill 394 (SB394).

Senate Bill 394-Register ATV's, dirtbikes, ATV's & snowmobiles

Reply to:
Date: 2009-03-26, 8:05AM

This Senate Bill before the legislature would require that ALL off-highway vehicles be titled and registered through DMV just like any other vehicle. We need to let our legislators know that this is not acceptable. We already pay enough taxes, fees etc... to enjoy our public lands. 
Here are some links for info on the bill and submit your opinion. 


  1. So you would rather have EVERYONE pay more taxes to cover the cost of patrolling and maintaining our lands, unstead of just those people responsible for the cost need (OTV riders?

    Wow! If so, you sure sound like a Liberal (Under your definition anyway)

    Or do you want to have no one pay for it and allow the Nation's deficit to grow bigger to subsidize your personal noisy hobby at my expense?

    Did your Mom ever explain that SELFISH kids never get asked to play kickball? Or were you too busy writing manifesto's about how you hate most of America?

  2. The key wording in this post: NO NEW TAXES!!

  3. I'm a Liberal and I agree SB394 should be stopped. This is NV not CA. If some lame ass politician wants to tutrn NV into CA he just move there. Better yet we should send him there.

    Also I've been riding in the NV deserts for 30 years and have never once seen any one patrolling or maintaining our public lands. So what extra cost is everyone having to pay? I have also never seen the desert landscape change one bit after riding on it for 30 years. It still looks the same. What has changed the landscape drasticaly is developers.

    Zach Settewongse


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